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Diabo Fine Capsules

Helps to control diabetes (High blood sugar and urine sugar)



Each 500 mg capsules contains                     


100 mg


15 mg


15 mg


50 mg


100 mg


75 mg


90 mg


10 mg


5 mg


20 mg


20 mg


DOSAGE: One capsules  twice a day with water or milk or as directed by the physician

PACKING: 60 capsules

Gynee Care Capsules



130 mg


50 mg


50 mg


50 mg


20 mg

Abhrak bhasm

10 mg

Kant loh bhasm

10 mg

Bang bhasm

10 mg

Kashish shudh

20 mg

Yashad bhasm

20 mg

Godanti bhasm

40 mg

Khurasani ajwain

20 mg


50 mg


20 mg


Dosage:- One capsule twice a day or as directed by the physician


1.       Tagar:- It is useful in  anxiety, including tremors, panic, palpitation and sweating, can be relieved with Valerian. It is a useful remedy for insomnia, whether caused by anxiety or over-excitement. It is also useful in premenstrual tension. It also gives relief in muscle spasms and lowers blood pressure caused by stress and anxiety.

यहझटके, आतंक, घबराहटऔरपसीनासहितचिंता, मेंउपयोगीहै, Valerian सेमुक्तकियाजासकताहै. यहचिंताद्वारायाअधिकउत्तेजनाकेकारणहोताहै, चाहेअनिद्राकेलिएएकउपयोगीउपायहै. यहभीमहावारीपूर्वतनावमेंउपयोगीहै. यहभीमांसपेशियोंमेंऐंठनमेंराहतदेताहैऔरतनावऔरचिंताकेकारणरक्तचापकोकमकरतीहै.

2.       Ashok :-Ashoka is highly acclaimed for its utility in gynaecological problems. it has been described as kashaya (astringent) and tikta (bitter) in taste and laghu (light) and rooksha (dry) in effect. The bark, leaves, flowers and seeds of the plant are of medicinal value. The main chemical constituents of the bark are tannin, catechol, an essential oil, organic calcium and iron compounds. Ashoka has been efficacious in regularising menstrual disturbances without producing any side-effect. Its effect on the ovarian tissue may produce an oestrogen-like activity that enhances the repair of the endometrium and stops bleeding. In metrorrhagia, in addition to decreasing the uterine bleeding, it regularises the interval between two cycles. Besides treating the symptoms of fatigue and generalised weakness, the use of Ashoka provides immense relief from painful menses, the premenstrual syndrome and non-specific white discharge.It is also useful in menorrhagia (scant menses), dysmenorrhea (painful menses, menstrual cramps),depression, bleeding hemorrhoids, uterine fibroids, considered a uterine sedative and tonic. Useful in Leucorrhoea. 

अशोकअत्यधिकस्त्रीरोगोंसमस्याओंमेंइसकीउपयोगिताकेलिएप्रशंसितहै . यह kashaya ( कसैला ) औरस्वादऔरलघु ( प्रकाश ) में ( कड़वा ) तिक्तऔर rooksha प्रभावमें (सूखा) केरूपमेंवर्णितकियागयाहै . छाल , पत्ते , फूलऔरपौधेकेबीजऔषधीयमूल्यकेहैं . छालकेमुख्यरासायनिकघटकटनीन , catechol , एकआवश्यकतेल , कार्बनिककैल्शियमऔरलोहेयौगिकोंहैं . अशोककिसीभीपक्षप्रभावकेबिनाउत्पादनमाहवारीगड़बड़ीकोनियमितकरनेमेंप्रभावीकियागयाहै . डिम्बग्रंथिऊतकपरइसकाप्रभावअंतर्गर्भाशयकलाकीमरम्मतकोबढ़ाताहैऔरखूनबहरहाबंदहोजाताहैकिएकएस्ट्रोजनकीतरहगतिविधिउत्पादनहोसकताहै . रक्तप्रदरमें, गर्भाशयरक्तस्रावकोकमकरनेकेअलावा, यहदोचक्रोंकेबीचकेअंतराल regularises . थकानऔरसामान्यीकृतकमजोरीकेलक्षणोंकेउपचारकेअलावा, अशोककेउपयोगकेपूर्वसिंड्रोमऔरगैरविशिष्टसफेद discharge.It भीअत्यार्तव ( अल्पमासिकधर्म ) मेंउपयोगीहै , दर्दनाकमासिकधर्मसेभारीराहतप्रदानकरताहै , dysmenorrhea (दर्दनाकमासिकधर्म , मासिकधर्मक्रैम्प ) , अवसाद , खूनबहरहाबवासीर , गर्भाशयफाइब्रॉएड , एकगर्भाशयशामकऔरटॉनिकमाना . Leucorrhoea मेंउपयोगी

3.       Daruhaldi:- It has an essential active ingredient, Berberine, which possesses anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is used in the treatment of leucorrhoea.

यहविरोधीभड़काऊऔरजीवाणुरोधीगुणकेपासजोएकआवश्यकसक्रियसंघटक, berberine है. यहप्रदरकेउपचारमेंप्रयोगकियाजाताहै

4.       Lodh :- Lodhra is one of the most well-known remedies for diseases of women. It is astringent and cold in action. It heals wounds, allays Kapha and stops bleeding. It is useful in inflammations and swellings. It tones up the mucus membrane and hence and most famous preparation Subsides excessive bleeding, normalizes he menstrual flow and is a specific for leucorrhoea.

Lodhra महिलाओंकेरोगोंकेलिएसबसेअच्छीतरहसेजानाजाताउपायोंमेंसेएकहै. यहकार्रवाईमेंकसैलेऔरठंडाहै. यहघावोंकोभरदेताकफ allays औरखूनबहरहाबंदहोजाताहै. यहसूजनऔरसूजनमेंउपयोगीहै. यहइसलिएबलगमझिल्लीऔरऊपरटनऔरसबसेप्रसिद्धतैयारीअत्यधिकरक्तस्रावउतरे, वहमाहवारी normalizes औरप्रदरकेलिएएकविशिष्टहै.

5.       Shilajit:-Produces positive effect on vatavahini nadi (nervous system), kidneys and channels which carry virya (semen), alleviating, promoter of strength and the quantity of semen (spermatopoetic).It is useful in night fall swapnadosha, prameha (obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes) and leucorrhoea.

ताकतकेप्रमोटरऔरवीर्यकीमात्रा (spermatopoetic) कोसमाप्तकरने, virya (वीर्य) लेजो vatavahini नाडी (तंत्रिकातंत्र), गुर्देऔरचैनलोंपरसकारात्मकप्रभावपैदाकरताहै. यहरातगिरावट swapnadosha, prameha (मधुमेहसहितजिद्दीमूत्रविकार) औरप्रदरमेंउपयोगीहै.

6.       Abhrak bhasm:- It contains iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium and aluminium in is a cellular generator.

यहआयरन, मैग्नीशियम, पोटेशियम, कैल्शियमऔर मेंएल्यूमीनियमएकसेलुलरजनरेटरहैशामिल.

7.       Kant loh bhasm:-Kant loh bhasam increase immunity, anti stress, mental, physical power and stamina. Rejuvenate nervine and genital system.

कांत Loh bhasam वृद्धिप्रतिरक्षा, विरोधीतनाव, मानसिक, शारीरिकशक्तिऔरसहनशक्ति. शांतिदायकदवाऔरजननांगसिस्टमकोफिरसेजीवंत

8.       Bang bhasm:- It is used for general debility and genito-urinary disorders. It helps to cure sexual disorders and increases the erection period. It is very effective in curing Mental Fatigue, Worm Infection, Night Discharge, Asthma and Weight Loss.

यहसामान्यदुर्बलताऔर Genito-मूत्रविकारकेलिएप्रयोगकियाजाताहै. यहयौनविकारोंकाइलाजकरनेमेंमददकरताहैऔरनिर्माणकीअवधिबढ़जातीहै. यहमानसिकथकान, कृमिसंक्रमण, रातनिर्वहन, अस्थमाऔरवजनघटानेकेइलाजमेंबहुतकारगरहै.

9.       Kashish shudh:- Treats anaemia and weakness due to excess/prolonged bleeding

व्यवहारएनीमियाऔरकमजोरीकीवजहसेअतिरिक्तकेलिए / लंबेसमयतकखूनबहरहा...

10.   Yashad bhasm:-Form of zinc useful in treating impaired glucose metabolism and acne


11.   Godanti bhasma:-Godanti bhasma is ayurvedic mineral preparation of gypsum.  It is natural form of calcium and can be used for stronger bones and teeth. It is cold in potency and used to cure pitta dosh.Godanti bhasma is analgesic, antipyretic, anti-Spasmodic and antacid.  This preparation is also useful in bleeding, hyperacidity and acid peptic diseases.It is useful in leucorrhoea or white discharge.

Godanti bhasma जिप्समकीआयुर्वेदिकखनिजतैयारीहै. यहकैल्शियमकाप्राकृतिकरूपहैऔरमजबूतहड्डियोंऔरदांतोंकेलिएइस्तेमालकियाजासकताहै. यहशक्तिमेंठंडऔरपित्त dosh.Godanti bhasma एनाल्जेसिक, ज्वरनाशक, विरोधीअकड़नेवालाऔर antacid हैइलाजकियाजाताहै. यहतैयारीभीखूनबहरहामेंउपयोगीहै, एसिडिटीऔरएसिडपेप्टिक diseases.It प्रदरयासफेदनिर्वहनकरनेमेंउपयोगीहै.

12.   Khurasaini ajwain:-Hyoscyamine and hyoscine are the principal alkaloids in Henbane, which depress the central nervous system. The seeds show inhibitory activity against the digestive enzyme lipase. Effective in phlegmatic cough, asthma, chronic dementia, insomnia, paralysis, neuralgia, and irritation of the kidney, uterus and bladder. Also useful in lung, bowel, and genito-urinary complaints such as cystitis.

Hyoscyamine और hyoscine केंद्रीयतंत्रिकातंत्रदबानाजोहेनबैनमेंप्रिंसिपल alkaloids, कररहेहैं. बीजपाचकएंजाइम lipase केखिलाफनिरोधात्मकगतिविधिदिखा. सुस्तखांसी, दमा, पुरानीपागलपन, अनिद्रा, लकवा, नसोंकादर्द, औरगुर्दे, गर्भाशयऔरमूत्राशयकीजलनमेंप्रभावी. इसकेअलावाफेफड़े, आंत, औरइसतरहके cystitis केरूपमें Genito-मूत्रशिकायतोंमेंउपयोगी.

13.   Sarpgandha:-The root of Serpentina also possess anti bacterial properties. Infusion, decoction and extract of the roots are employed to increase uterine contractions for expulsion of foetus, to treat painful affections of bowels, diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, colic and fever. The root was believed to stimulate uterine contraction and recommended for use in child-birth in difficult cases. Extracts of the roots are valued for the treatment of intestinal disorders, particularly diarrhea and dysentery and also as anathematic. Mixed with other plant extracts, they have been used in the treatment of cholera, colic and fever. The root was believed to stimulate uterine contrition and recommended for use in child-birth in difficult cases.

Serpentina कीजड़भीविरोधीबैक्टीरियलगुणोंकेअधिकारी. जड़ोंकाआसव, काढ़ेऔरनिकालनेआंत, दस्त, पेचिश, हैजा, पेटकादर्दऔरबुखारकीदर्दनाकप्यारकेइलाजकेलिए, भ्रूणकेनिष्कासनकेलिएगर्भाशयकेसंकुचनमेंवृद्धिकरनेकेलिएकार्यरतहैं. जड़गर्भाशयसंकुचनकोउत्तेजितकरनेकेलिएमानाजाताहैऔरमुश्किलमामलोंमेंबच्चेकेजन्ममेंउपयोगकेलिएसिफारिशकीगईथी. जड़ोंकाअर्कपेटकेरोगोंकेउपचार, विशेषरूपसेडायरियाऔरपेचिशऔरभीरूपमें anathematic केलिएमूल्यवानहैं. अन्यपौधोंकेअर्ककेसाथमिश्रित, वेहैजा, पेटकादर्दऔरबुखारकेउपचारमेंइस्तेमालकियागयाहै. जड़गर्भाशयपश्चातापप्रोत्साहितकरनेकेलिएमानाजाताहैऔरमुश्किलमामलोंमेंबच्चेकेजन्ममेंउपयोगकेलिएसिफारिशकीगईथी.

14.   Gokhru:-Gokhru is used to treat various clinical conditions like sexual weakness in men, kidney dysfunction, urine problem, dysuria, Leucorrhoea (Shveta Pradar) etc. It helps in breaking and elimination of kidney stone from body. It also prevents recurrent stone formation. Gokhru also increases hormones secretion in body. It supports testosterone production and muscles building.

Gokhru यहशरीरसेटूटगयाऔरगुर्देकीपत्थरीकेउन्मूलनमेंमददकरताहैआदियौनपुरुषोंमेंकमजोरी, गुर्दारोग, मूत्रसमस्या, dysuria, Leucorrhoea (Shveta Pradar) जैसेविभिन्ननैदानिक ​​शर्तोंकाइलाजकरनेकेलिएप्रयोगकियाजाताहै. यहभीबारम्बारपत्थरगठनसेबचाताहै. Gokhru भीशरीरमेंहार्मोनकास्रावबढ़जाताहै. यहटेस्टोस्टेरोनकाउत्पादनऔरमांसपेशियोंकेनिर्माणकासमर्थनकरताहै.


Noni Drops


Each 10 ml ext.contains


5 ml


3 ml


1 ml





1.       High blood pressure

2.       Diabetes

3.       Arthritis

4.       Thyroid

5.       Effect of ageing

6.       Depression

Packing:-  20 ml



Tulsi Drops

Herbage tulsi drops

It is effective in flu, dengue, joint pain, stone, blood pressure, sugar, allergy, hepatitis

Burning, gout, piles



Krishna tulsi

2.5 ml


1 ml

Kala tulsi

1.5 ml


2 ml

Golda tulasi

1 ml




Packing:- 20 ml


Ortho Age


Rheumatoid arthritis:- It is the coating of joints or covering of interior organs are aggravated. This disease may be interminable (Endures for quite a while) or might erupt discontinuously. The aggravation of lining of joints reasons swelling pain,redness,firmness and warmth in the effected area. The cell of inflamed lining discharge coumpounds which might hurt the identified skeletal substance and cartilage. This process might cause disfigurement of joint, ache and might limit joint developments. In ayurveda there is exceptionally itemized depiction about Rheumatoid joint inflammation or Amavata.


Each 500  mg contains


300 mg


100 mg

Mukta shuktibhasm

100 mg



Dosage :- One capsule twice a day with water or milk or as directed by the physician


Supervita Capsules

For vigour,vitality,stamina,strength,generaldebility,aphrodisiac and rejuvenator



60 mg


60 mg


60 mg


60 mg


25 mg


25 mg


25 mg

Bang bhasm

25 mg


25 mg


75 mg


7 mg


30 mg

Makar dhwaj

10 mg


10 mg


8 mg


7 mg


3 mcg


Dosage:One capsule twice a day with juice or milk or as directed by the physician

Packing:60 capsules

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